Détails du Produit

$ 2390.00

Lits MC Health Care

Description du Produit

The “Fast MaXXum” pan deck meets OSHA’s speed guidelines while providing a superior low bed that travels from 7 7/8” to 30”, has a 500 lb safe working load and is available in multiple configurations. Fast – 7 7/8” low to 30” high in 20 seconds Mobile or locked at any height Travels virtually straight up and down Variety of options 500 lb. weight capacity 4 IV + traction receptacles High angle vascular foot rest Honey comb roller bumper Benefits of Fast Rising Increases staff productivity Reduces staff injuries related to lifting Contributes to reducing staff turnover Saves staff energy and reduces accumulative trauma Meets OSHA speed recommendation Certified to UL/CSA standards Electrical Specifications Electric Motors: Three (3) DC self lubricating Linear Actuators. Stainless steel Stroke Tubes. Voltage: 110 Volts Hertz: 60 Hz Rated Amps: 5.8 Amp Max. QD825_ Series Cord Type / Length: 2.5 Meters minimum 3 prong. Emergency Power back-up battery Pack: Optional. 24 Volt. Mechanical Specifications QD8250 QD8250Y Length including bumper 88" 84" Length (deck) 80" 76" Width (deck) 35" Deck Height – Low 7 7/8” Deck Height – high 30” Deck Angles - Head elevation 0 – 60 degree - Knee elevation 0 – 30 degrees Safe Working Load* 500 lbs. * Includes resident, mattress, head and foot board and accessories. * 12

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