Détails du Produit

$ 11555.00


Description du Produit

462 SERIES AIRGLIDE™ RAIL HORIZON HYDRAULIC STRETCHER The Horizon Hydraulic AirGlide™ Series Stretcher is a multi-use unit to support a patient during induction, treatment, and recovery functions while avoiding unnecessary patient transfers to other equipment. MOBILITY: • Easy to maneuver: built-in central steering and braking systems with pedals conveniently located at all four corners • Easy to position hydraulic foot pedals on both sides of the stretcher base allow for simple, hands-free height adjustment and Trendelenburg position • Easy-to-operate casters and brakes to help reduce safety risks to healthcare personnel PATIENT COMFORT: • Continuous attention to the patient is possible with our unique Zone-of-Care™ design that allows all functions to be performed at the patient’s side • Unit allows for full length patient protection with side rails that are higher and longer allowing safe patient transfers with zero transfer gaps • Backrest can be easily and consistently set at inclines from 0° - 90° with our cable-free, pneumatic-assisted fowler • Knee-flex capability from 0° - 70° • The base is equipped with an IV insert, storage space and a built in oxygen tank holder Overall Length: 83 210 Overall Height: range - minimum 22 56 Overall Height: range - maximum 34.75 88 side rail Length: 75 191 side rail Height: 15 38 easy rolling Tente® Casters: 8 20 degree of movement [°] Cable Free Fowler: pneumatic-assist 0 - 90 Backrest: movement 0 - 90 Knee Flex: movement 0 - 70 standard Trendelenburg: 0 - 16 reverse Trendelenburg: 0 - 16 lb kg† Shipping Weight: 370 168 Rail Type: AirGlide™ IV Wells: 4 - 1 / corner Accessory Wells: 4 - 1 / corner Brake / Steer Pedals: 4 - 1 / corner Hydraulic Controls: Foot Pedal - 1 / side 1 same specs for both AC/110 volt and the DC/220 volt versions † standard rounding method used to show metric values as whole numbers Features: ?Standard ?Optional — Does Not Apply 462APAST 462CPAST 462DPAST inch cm† inch cm† inch cm† Overall Width: 31.5 80 31.5 80 35 89 patient surface Width: 28 71 28 71 32 81 patient surface Length: 76 193 76 193 77 196 feature feature feature Knee Gatch: No Yes Yes Weight Capacity: evenly distributed lb kg† lb kg† lb kg† 500 227 500 227 800 363 GF1500073 RevD22 LINK 462 Product Info 4262DPAST hydraulic model

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